
Attack of the Birds

I need to begin with the fact that I HATE birds. I guess FEAR birds may be a little more appropriate and accurate. Stupidly, I got a hummingbird feeder. Friends have said that it is extremely entertaining watching the birds fight over the food. Now, this is where things get dangerous. We have a peaked, vaulted roof and there is nowhere to really hang the feeder for me to watch it. So, I set it on a table near the deck doors for viewing purposes. One of my summer pastimes, is reading on the deck in the sun. 

Here I am, sitting on the deck reading The Omnivore's Dilemma and minding my own business when I hear a noise that is only synonymous with a World War Two Bomber plane. And when I terrifyingly looked up, I saw this enormous hummingbird with a beak similar to a sharpened skewer made for poking out eyes or stabbing temples.

Now, when I go on the deck, I go with back up: Leonard. His new hobby includes attacking hummingbirds-- he is currently 0 for 100. 

But, those of you who do like hummingbirds, I found a very tasty recipe online. One part sugar, 4 parts water. So I boil 4 cups of water and stir in one cup of sugar. Let it cool and fill up the feeder. Make sure to clean the feeder and never add dyes since the feeder is already colorful. You don't want to introduce chemicals into the killers' (hummingbirds') diets.

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