
Politically Correct Please

I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but as a nation we’ve become extremely cautious with avoiding hurting people’s feelings based on gender, race, ethnicity, disabilities (can I say that?), age, etc. Let’s face it--we’re a pc nation, especially in the teaching field. We’ve moved from retarded to mentally disabled to cognitively disabled to cognitively impaired. It’s hard to keep up. However, this isn’t the point of my rant. My point is...

... that we should all write out legislators, friends, colleagues, family, and anyone else who will listen about the most hurtful, cruel term that is still used today: 


crazy cat lady. Who am I to judge Sue Nobody who has 16 cats that she’s crazy? (Is it ok to still say crazy?) What happened to the more, the merrier? And just because it’s a cat... what about the crazy dog lady? the crazy fish lady? Why does it have to be a woman?

And I'm no crazy lady or cat lady. I'm a crazy Leonard girl. Leonard, my perfect, perfect feline turned 3 today. Now, I'm not sure if you know how important 3 is, but in the eyes of a Leonard Lover, it's quite important. Let me run you through our afternoon

After my run, it was shower time

And then, dinner. I argue this is the most important meal of the day
Birthday dessert: cheese
of course, birthday kisses
A little game (and new toy) of cat and mouse--look at Leonard's tongue
And finally, a birthday photo shoot. Since Leonard is my shining star, this is quite appropriate.


Garden Pasta Salad with Bocconcini

I have a few moments to sneak in a quick blog post, so I thought tonight's dish would be perfect. Since this is our first week back to school (for teachers), students, we'll see you next week, we are having a meet and greet for new staff. It's potluck and I figured I'd like to try this recipe from Food Network Magazine. As you know by now, these recipes are rarely followed exactly, so there are some modifications.

1 clove garlic (I used 2)
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes (I used one garden tomato)
3 T red wine vinegar
1/4 c fresh basil
1/3 c extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
(I also added a little garlic salt)

** Begin boiling pasta before starting sauce
1. Boil garlic in a small sauce pan for 2 minutes (I sauteed instead)
2. Add garlic to the blender with cherry tomatoes, vinegar and basil-- puree until smooth
3. With motor running, slowly add oil
4. Season with s&p

8 oz. campanelle or fusilli (4 cups) ( I used radiatore)
1 small zucchini ( I used garden cucumber)
1.5 c. halved cherry tomatoes
1 c. halved bocconcini-- mozzarella balls (I cut up fresh mozzarella)
1/4 cup pine nuts or slivered almonds (I used salted/roasted almonds and chopped)
1/2 c. fresh basil thinly sliced

1. Cook pasta until al dente, strain, and rinse.
2. Add sauce to pasta
3. Shave zucchini into strips (I just thinly sliced cukes and quartered) and add to salad
4. Add tomatoes, mozzarella, nuts, basil, and toss
5. Add s & p and serve immediately or refrigerate up to 6 hours (I don't know what happens after that).
*Bring to room temp. first before serving.

Color's a little off, but the dressing is a beautiful red. This is straight up Italy.


Fish and Crash Hot Potatoes

Thanks to three people: Pinterest Inventor, Pioneer Woman, and, One of my favorite people in the world, Mr. X's grandpa. He's so funny and makes me wish my grandpa was still around. I thank these people because they made this dinner delish. Gramps always gives us some treats: garden tomato plants, apples from his tree, and the best treat-- fish from the Mississippi. Tonight was one of my favorite ways of preparing the fish.
(Note: remember to begin with the potatoes since they take longer. I would go back and change the order, but it's time to watch Dexter Season 6)

1/2 small onion
4-5 garlic cloves
2 T. olive oil
1/2 lemon
about a pound of fish
garlic salt

Warm up the oil and saute onion and garlic for a few minutes.
Add fish and squeeze lemon on top
Sprinkle sea salt, pepper, and garlic salt to taste
Flip after a few minutes and re-season.
One more flip and ready to eat
The second part of this meal is where I take off my No Fear hat to the Pioneer Woman. I like her food because it's Mr. X's style. This recipe is for Crash Hot Potatoes. Now, as I always change recipes and can never follow them. I turned these into Broccoli Cheese Crash Hot Potatoes.

potatoes- as many as you need
generous amount of oil
adaptation version : frozen broccoli and shredded cheddar cheese

1. Boil baby reds until they're tender-- about 20-30 minutes
2. Preheat oven to 450
3. oil the bottom of a cookie sheet
4. Smash the potatoes with a potato masher (just press down lightly, too hard will throw potato everywhere---whoops)
5. Brush the top of the potato with oil
6. Season with salt and pepper
7. Use fresh herbs- I skipped this step. PW used rosemary
8. Bake for 15 minutes
9. Add broccoli on potatoes- Bake 5 more minutes
10. Add cheddar cheese- Bake 1-2 minutes until melts

I apologize for photo quality. But dinner time was 7pm tonight and I was so hungry, I forgot to take another pic

This is what they should look like:
Source. Much better- Thanks again Pioneer Woman


Alphabet Autobiography

Since I am having my creative writing students begin with an autobiography book that is 26 pages and because a teacher must sometimes be a student, I thought I'd do a few paragraphs and create some alphabet autobiography posts. Here's A & B.

A: Automobile Accident
Now, I've heard this story a number of times. I find it hysterical, however, Mom finds it embarrassing, scary, and sad. Against what you may believe, I was a girly girl until about eight. I would wear dresses, big bows, and matching jewelry. On my birthday, I was "dolled" up even more. According to my aunt, when she showed up at the house for my soiree, I wasn't in my usual garb. Instead I had a tear-streaked face, and holy jeans that were covered in blood. Poor, poor Mom. She realized she didn't have ice cream for cake time and had to run to the grocery store quick. Now, you must remember this is the 80s. As she turned the corner, the door swung open and I flew out. Since I'm about as strong as Rambo, Van Damme,  Schwarzenegger, or any fitting man from The Expendables, I held on to that car door for my life. And because of my super-human strength, I lived to see another day. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even close to death, considering it was 20 mph, but still. It sounds a little tougher.
Not actual photo, although it's completely realistic. Source.

B: Bawling

When my youngest brother was born, I did what any great big sissy would do...I cried in my room for about three days. I had my heart set on having a little sister. One I would be able to bond with, dress up with, compete against, and be a leader to. Ok, let's be honest. I just wanted someone else who would have to wear a dress and aforementioned bows the size of her head. I envisioned us in high school, driving a convertible, (please, I wasn't exactly realistic at 4 years old) on double dates. I was also tall and skinny in the future self. Only to have my dreams smashed by having another little brother. Poor kid, he was bullied before he was even born.
And those are my little brothers-- not so little

Attack of the Birds

I need to begin with the fact that I HATE birds. I guess FEAR birds may be a little more appropriate and accurate. Stupidly, I got a hummingbird feeder. Friends have said that it is extremely entertaining watching the birds fight over the food. Now, this is where things get dangerous. We have a peaked, vaulted roof and there is nowhere to really hang the feeder for me to watch it. So, I set it on a table near the deck doors for viewing purposes. One of my summer pastimes, is reading on the deck in the sun. 

Here I am, sitting on the deck reading The Omnivore's Dilemma and minding my own business when I hear a noise that is only synonymous with a World War Two Bomber plane. And when I terrifyingly looked up, I saw this enormous hummingbird with a beak similar to a sharpened skewer made for poking out eyes or stabbing temples.

Now, when I go on the deck, I go with back up: Leonard. His new hobby includes attacking hummingbirds-- he is currently 0 for 100. 

But, those of you who do like hummingbirds, I found a very tasty recipe online. One part sugar, 4 parts water. So I boil 4 cups of water and stir in one cup of sugar. Let it cool and fill up the feeder. Make sure to clean the feeder and never add dyes since the feeder is already colorful. You don't want to introduce chemicals into the killers' (hummingbirds') diets.


Monday Marinara and Meatballs

I have FINALLY created a marinara sauce that I can make and continue to make that was delicious...and quite simple. Since I spent my morning on Pinterest, I had a tasty meatball recipe to join. The best part is, I didn't have to go to the store for anything. Yay! Also, some of the spices/herbs is about since I don't measure a lot.

I made the meatballs first and while they cooked, I whipped up the sauce.

Meatballs: (Thanks to Pinterest via Bonnie Leino)
1 lb. burger (I used ground sirloin)
2 eggs
1/2 c. milk (whisked with the eggs)
1/2 c. Parmesan, grated
1 c.  Kellogg's bread crumbs
1 small onion
2 gloves garlic, minced
1/2 t. oregano
1 t. salt 
1/4 c. fresh basil
Mix all ingredients together and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Mold into golf-ball sizes.

Fresh out of the oven


2 14.5 oz. cans of diced tomatoes
1 15 oz. can tomato sauce
4 cloves garlic
1/2 medium onion
2 T olive oil
1 T. sugar
1 T. parsley
1 t. garlic powder
1/4 t. oregano
1/4 t. basil (If I had fresh, I would've loved to use it. I blame the meatballs)
1/8 c. parmesan
Bubble Bubble Bubble

Heat oil and saute onion and garlic.
While sauteing, add other ingredients in a blender (or food processor, mine was too small)
Add sauteed onions and garlic to blender mixture
Heat on stove for 15-20 minutes, add 1/8 c. parmesan
Once the meatballs were done, I added them to the sauce and let it simmer for 10 minutes for a little added flavor.

Mr. X really liked this sauce and I froze the remainder for a busy weeknight meal now that school is beginning for me on Wednesday. I was able to fill a quart and a half bag of sauce.
This was quite cheap, except for the sirloin that was about 4 dollars.

Buon appetito! Look, Mr. X's hand
And best of all? A cold glass of Vanilla Almond Milk to wash it down. Or as Mr. X calls it, almond juice since almonds don't have teets.


Blast from the Past

I think as a weekly theme, I'd like to post a favorite memory of the past. Or, not necessarily favorite, but something quite vivid.

Here's #1: The First Stitches

At four years old, I was destined to be a gymnast. I would jump and somersault off the old-fashioned radiator. My younger brother was drinking juice out of a baby bottle ( at two? What a loser) and I desperately needed a sip since I had been sweating and burning calories from tumbling and practicing my routines in the living room, my gym. As he was the youngest at the time and quite stingy, he failed to give me any of his drink. I know I said juice earlier, but it probably was Kool Aid.

As any dehydrated four year old athlete would do, I brought in my intimidation factor. By beating on my chest and threatening to kill him, he was sure to give in. Instead of my terrible two brother folding, he wound up and whipped that bottle at me.

Straight shot to my oversized Finnish dome and sliced open my forehead. And then, I was off to the emergency room. Sadly, I do not have a picture of this, but maybe this will be close: a bleeding gymnast who earns gold.

This is graphic, yet accurate. Notice all of that authentic blood. My main injury was the head, but my ankle also hurt.


Youth Novel Review

This month I read two young adult novels-- one good, one not so good.

First up: 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher
First off, I took a pledge to read books before I see the movies. And... you should too: Read It First. This book is coming out in 2013 and I've heard that it's an amazing YA novel. There are definitely mixed reviews, but I'm all in support of this book. It's about a young girl who commits suicide and leaves behind a trail of audio tapes. We see the story through two people's eyes: the deceased girl (Hannah) and Clay (a classmate and friend). He receives the tapes and we hear all of the events and the things people do to Hannah to push her to suicide.

Now, some argue that the plot is unbelievable. These things would really cause a girl to kill herself? And I say, you never know what goes on in someone's head. Bullying and teasing happened to me as a kid and I'm sure you too. It probably happened to most. When the bullying happens, our personalities take over. It affects some and not others. When my 5th grade boy classmates (and brothers) teased me for wearing men's jeans and slicking back my ponytail with a sweet, and I repeat, sweet No Fear hat, I did as Jay Z told me to. I went ahead and got that dirt of my shoulders, I surely brushed them off (Thanks JayZ; I owe you one). So what sent Hannah Baker over the edge may not have sent others. Who are we to judge? Well, I guess a reading audience, but characters become more than characters to me while I'm reading. I thought the book was so great I ordered it for my freshmen this year.

It will take you a day to read this and you won't want to put it down. Plus, it brings up everything you may come across in high school: depression, bullying, partying, school, teachers, etc. It's the perfect high school read. Also, now I can go see the movie in 2013.

Next: Fade by Lisa McMann
This is another young adult novel. My colleague once told me she read somewhere that "adults should read more young adult novels and vice versa" (Source). And to an extent, I agree. Sometimes we forget what it was like to be 16 or 17 years old. How dramatic it REALLY was when a boyfriend dumped you. It felt like life was actually over and no one would love you the same. I mean c'mon. You have to be understanding. Also, between coaching, teaching, reading endless essays, planning, cleaning, cooking, and yearbooking, who has time to read heavy material? Hunger Games please.

Anyway, this book is first in a trilogy. I do not read a series of books, ever. I've tried and just can't do it. Twilight, read 1-3. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, read 1-2. Hunger Games, just one. I. Just. Can't. Do. It. (**coughs 50 Shades of Grey 1-2** cough)

Back on track, Wake is about a young girl named Janie who can enter others' dreams. Now, I just really like this idea; it was really intriguing. When people near her fall asleep, she joins their dream which dominates her life. She can't sleep when she's in another's dream. The story and idea are good. However, the writing is terrible. The story is told in 3rd person present tense, which makes it feel completely summarized or something causing the reader to have a distance from the characters since it's some omniscient God-like creature narrating. Odd. In addition to the narration, the sentences are so choppy. Really choppy. One word. Maybe Two. See? It's strange.

I think my students may like this more since they are not necessarily a critical audience, some are, but not most. They may like the teen romance, the mystery, and the fantasy-like qualities. There are unnecessary cussing interjections as well. A simple and believable "oh crap" would be more suitable then some kid screaming "oh F&^%#!" Sometimes the reactions characters had were also unrealistic. This book took about three days for me to read. Not because it was difficult, but I got so mad at McMann for her writing style; it kept me apart from the characters and getting emotionally involved. Disappointment. If you want to read, please don't buy and just ask for my copy. It's in my classroom library. Also, if any of you darling readers want to donate any old/used books to my library, I'll give you a big hug or kiss or air high five or make cookies. :)


Easy Cheesy Zucchini Bake

For my birthday, my darling friend ReRe brought me some goodies from her garden including: tomatoes, poblano peppers, banana peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, and swiss chard. So from these veggies, I choose to cook up some of the zucchini. I mean, c'mon, look at the size of this thing:

Thanks ReRe-- I stole this from your facebook :)
Anywho-- onward to the recipe: Easy Cheesey Zucchini Bake. This comes from another recipe by Penzey's via Karen Niessing. They sure are good. I LOVED this recipe. I don't really bother posting anything I don't care for or didn't turn out right (believe me, there are many), but this one is awesome. Low calorie and so so so yummy.  If I hadn't already filled up on moose steak, then I would've had seconds. There's always tomorrow. Am I the only one who loves leftovers?

Prep time: 10 min; cook time: 45 min-- about one hour total

2 medium tomatoes, peeled and cut into wedges (I used cherry tomatoes from Re's garden-- no peeling necessary)
2 small zucchini, sliced (or a quarter of a giant one the size of a baby)-- surprisingly still edible
2 small yellow summer squash, sliced (didn't have and used extra zukes)
1/2 t thyme
1 t basil (I used fresh, much better)
1 t granulated garlic powder
1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 c grated parmesan
1/3 c dry break crumbs (I used kellogg's cereal- way less chemicals/additives)
1 c shredded mozzarella cheese (optional)

Preheat oven to 350
In a 1.5-2 qt. baking dish, combine tomatoes, zucchini, squash, spices/herbs, and cheddar cheese
Top with parmesan and bread crumbs
Bake for 45 minutes, until veggies are tender
Top with mozzarella if you desire, I used 1/4 c to save on some cals. Just sprinkle on top and let melt.

Nutrition: 4 servings (serving size about 1 cup)
Calories 160 (from fat 25)
Fat 2.5 g
Cholesterol 10mg
Sodium 580 mg
Carbohydrate 18g
Dietary Fiber 3g
Protein 16g
bad pic :(
Cost: tomatoes and zucchini (free), cheeses ($2), crumbs and spices ($1 maybe). This probably cost me $3 and I have 3 more servings. For about a buck a serving, one can't go wrong. Otherwise, purchasing these other items might include up to $6? Not sure.


Minocqua bound

Another one of the little day trips I took this past week was to Minocqua, WI. Again, E$ was involved. The whole purpose of the trip was actually for her. As a memento for her mother, she got a sweet tat.

on the ribs-- pretty tough spot
She was so nervous I almost felt bad for her. My best coping mechanism for her was just to ignore her. As she lay on the table in preparation, she began mouthing me something. I'm pretty sure it was about backing out, but I just ignored her-- it worked. I think that is the parenting technique I will use in the future, when I get more cats :)

I tried to make the time pass quickly for her by completing ignoring anything she had to say and just chat with the tattoo artist. I in no way, engaged my identity-protected friend E$ in any conversation. I didn't want to make her laugh, causing some sort of blotchy mess on her ribs. The time seemed to fly by for me; I don't know about her.

The best part of the trip for me was how E$ picked me up. She called me and said "get ready for big pimpin'," which I assumed involved a hat or something lame. Instead, she pulled up in this: Big D

Source: This is not the exact truck, but it's something like this if I remember right.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Two girls riding in one big truck? How will they ever arrive alive? Well, we were big pimpin in fact. E$ could barely see over the steering wheel or park that beast. She of course only used parking lots. There were enough buttons and gadgets to launch us right to Jupiter, my favorite planet. That monster is a F350 super duty diesel or some mumbo jumbo like that. It was ridic.

And to stay classy, we rocked out to 90s pop on the way home. Dancin' in big D and singin' "bye bye bye."



Holy Hiatus

So, since starting this blog about a month ago, the longest time I have taken from it is just a day or two. To begin, I've been busy. But, the best trip I've had involves my good friend: E$ (I know, coolest name ever---it was given to her at birth).

Yesterday, she and I took a little road trip to Wausau. One of the best parts of being a teacher, aside from the grading, is going school clothes shopping every year. Now, I had a goal in mind: rack up some cashback money on my Discover card. And yes, that is what I did.

What's that in the top right corner? A Whirley Pop and a Whoopee Cushion?? You guessed it.
My inner fashionista (she wears a mullet and sweatpants) wanted to go with a dressier look this year: blouses, dress pants, blazers, etc. Now, the purpose of this post is not to brag to you about what I got, but to tell you about my favorite part of my shopping experience: finding a Whirley Pop. My friend Jess introduced this marvel to me years ago. Well, since E$ has very little experience with popping corn (she informed me she microwaves, gasp), I had to explain what this magic machine does. It pops corn on the stove in 3 minutes. I repeat, 3 minutes. Also, I'm pretty sure in the fine print on the box it says "no cancer." I read somewhere (probably Cosmo) that microwaving popcorn can cause cancer, now I just avoid the microwave for anything. Because of my WHIRLEY POP, I can have cancer-free, theatre-snacking fun.

Oh, and the whoopee cushion is definitely my second favorite purchase. I got Mr. X pretty good as he stupidly got up to get me a glass of water. Sucka.

Talk about making a man laugh on a Monday-- goal accomplished.
Oh, and E$ managed to walk into a bunch of clothes racks and boxes as well as dropping her credit card, purse, etc. She is one clumsy lady.


Simple Party Dish: Beer Dip

At my Girls Getaway a few weeks ago, Allison made a delicious beer dip that we devoured in two days. So simple. So delicious. So perfect. I needed a dish to bring to our book club dinner, and this was the perfect appetizer.

Beer Dip:
2 8oz packages cream cheese
2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
1 oz. package Ranch powder
1/2 c. beer

Mix cream cheese (at room temperature) with the Ranch packet.
Mix in beer and cheddar cheese.
Cover and refrigerate for 3 hours.
Serve with pretzels.

Cost: about 9 dollars
Nutrition: very healthy: lots of fat, lots of calories-- Does this count for dairy? :)


Best Foods

Everyone has a favorite food and when we enter school as kids, teachers ask hoping for an insight into who we are. The answers don't vary too much (well, in the midwest of America, anyway): pizza, pizza, pizza. I love me some pizza, but kids are obsessed. However, I don't have favorite dishes--it's impossible, too many options. I do, however, have favorite foods: the avocado and bleu cheese. Both creamy and usable in so many different dishes. First up--

The Avocado:

This was from Costa Rica--enormous for $4

I love making grilled cheese sandwiches with avocado, the creamy texture makes it extra special . Or, I chop this treat up in salads, make guac, and use as a substitute of miracle whip/mayo on sandwiches since it's a super food packed full of good fat, rather than some weird packaged miracle whip with strange ingredients. (I do love Miracle Whip, though).  And a close second--

Bleu Cheese:

This block started out at the size of my head

It may be a very strange food to be in my top two, but I can do so much with this. I've made bleu cheese gnocci, fulfilling, like crack for a fiending addict. I crumble it on burgers, steaks, sandwiches, (grilled cheese, again), pastas, and..did I say burgers? Oh, it barely melts, but it's so thick and creamy and really makes a burger move from good to "finger-lickin' great."

What are your favorites?



I'm feeling a little lost now that my favorite time is over. No, not summer--the Olympics. I loved my routine of getting up, running, ahem jogging, showering and then watching the Olympics. One of the best parts, is in the evening when Mr. X and I watch the highlights from 7-11. Seeing Chen Ruolin diving and convincing myself I can do similar acts only to find out doing a somersault on the carpet doesn't impress my man, and I have now slammed my back on the ground. Or, commenting that "I probably can't sprint as fast as those guys doing the mile. Right?" To look over and see Mr. X shake his head and not needing to even answer me.

Where am I now going to get my make-believe superhero strengths and abilities? (see below)

I teach by day and save the world at night-- my secret is out. You're welcome.

I've also made some friends with people I haven't met and will never meet. Who will I laugh with now that Usain Bolt and I aren't having a good chuckle. Who am I going to cry with when Walsh-May-(&)-Me win in beach volleyball 3 Olympic seasons in a row.
Source I may have too much time on my hands.
What am I going to do without my Big O? Winter Olympics suck...... I must stop blogging to wipe my tears and pretend I can compete in (not just complete) a decathlon?

Also, I have extreme American pride during this time. I even referenced The Star Spangled Banner being "our" song to Mr. X. I envision us married and having our first dance to...yes... The National Anthem, while I wear some sort of sparkly flag dress.

See you in 2016, unless I am a zombie by then, thanks to the Apocalypse, I'll for sure own some decathlons and sprints if that's the case.


9x3 Today

"We turn not older with years, but newer every day." - Emily Dickinson

Today is NOT just another day. Today I turn 27. Today I am leaving my mid-twenties. Today is my birthday. As a child, I always anticipated my birthday party-- games, cake, pizza, sleepovers, and money for school clothes for a new year. As I got older, people always claimed I would never want a birthday as I escalated in years. Well, I am not officially old, but I am getting older and it's not scary yet. Instead, there are so many other great pieces of my life to celebrate.

I have money, not much, but I have some to go on an occasional trip and buy a frivolous gift for myself.
I am independent, strong, and confident.
I am healthier than in college.
I am smarter than in college.
I have a great Mr. in my life.
I am a great friend: I even got this medal in the mail today to prove it :) Thanks ReRe.

I always like to reflect and predict. This past year has been quite good, but this year will be great. I'm moving into my 5th year of teaching; I'm just getting better with age, like wine.

This year, I'll be running my 2nd half marathon. My goal is to finish without stopping. I don't care about time. This year I will reach my goal weight as I am already on my way.

I have eliminated crappy friends, and celebrated the excellent loves.

So raise a glass with me. Here's to being completely selfish today and celebrating 27 and all the great milestones/goals I will reach/accomplish this year. Also, a toast to life full of love, friends, family, and health.
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and love today on MY DAY :) (MY DAY= birthday, not wedding day. That would be an OUR DAY, fyi.)


Birthday Quilt

You know how people always complain about their mother-in-law? (That actually may only happen in romantic comedies) Well, I may not be married, but my mother-not-in-law is nothing to complain about. She's a very kind, generous woman and this birthday, she gave me the best present ever. She has an amazing talent-- quilting and sewing. She made me a T-shirt quilt from all of my old basketball/high school shirts. Now, not only is this awesome because this one piece of art holds all my memories from my younger years, but it is also awesome because it is beautifully done. I'm completely impressed and couldn't have received a better gift for my 27th. 

Also, since Mr. X can't remember my birthday, it is embroidered for the 14th because that is what he told her was the actual day. Another funny memory on my cozy quilt.



Sausage and Polenta "Lasagna"

It felt like fall this week because it has been in the 70s and a little rainy so I wanted to make something warm and cozy. I adapted this from Food Network's One-skillet Sausage and Polenta Parmesan. I didn't like that they used processed polenta so I began my own take on this. Now, I've never made polenta before because it reminds me of the word placenta, which is just plain too much for me to handle. However, I'm trying to get over my fear of birds, so why not try polenta?

What 'cha need:
1 c. Bob Mill's polenta (makes 4 servings)
3 c. water
pinch salt for water
1.5 T butter
1 T. olive oil
8 oz. mild italian sausage (I would love to use spicy)
4-5 oz. mushrooms sliced
3 cloves garlic chopped
14 oz can diced tomatoes (I didn't have fresh)
1 14 oz. can tomato sauce
1/4 c. onion chopped
2 tsp. Italian seasoning
dash of sugar
1 tsp. basil
1 T. chopped fresh parsley (which I forgot to use)
4 oz. shredded mozzarella
2 T. shredded parmesan cheese

1. Begin by making the polenta and following the directions on the package (Boil water, mix in polenta and frequently stir for 30 min. Set in an oiled dish for 10 min. Invert and slice)
2. Heat oil on med., fry polenta until golden brown about 3 min. each side. Transfer to a plate. (Could probably skip this step)
3. Brown the sausage for 3 min, add mushrooms and brown for 3 min., add 2 cloves of garlic and saute one min.
4. Add diced tomatoes and bring to a boil and let thicken/simmer for 5 minutes on low.
5. While simmering, saute one garlic clove and 1/4 c. onion in another pan (oh the dishes!). Add tomato sauce, Italian seasoning, sugar, basil, s&p- let simmer for 10 min. ( or skip this step if you have a spaghetti sauce already frozen/made)
6. Place sliced polenta on mushroom/sausage mixture
7. Pour "spaghetti" sauce over polenta, add cheeses, and parsley.
8. Broil 3-5 min, until bubbly and delish.

Cost: about 7-8 dollars, depending on what you have for spices

Enjoy. Serves 4 ( I didn't calculate calories)

creamy, delicious

Cheese close up


Plentiful Spectacles

Some may collect stamps, coins, precious moments figures, spoons, etc. I collect sunglasses and out of boredom, I wore a different pair in every state and changed my shirt as often as possible.

Happy to be heading home
Idaho: still in a silly mood

Montana- too long, curvy, mountainy, and did I say long?

Trying to stay positive :)
N. Dakota: get out of the car for a bit

Minnesota: back in the midwest:

And finally, my cheese-lovin' Wisconsin. Not a football watcher, but did say "Go Pack Go" to many strangers on the way

no longer smiling

Days 5-8

Day 5 was a very fun, long day. We started with the usual: Starbucks and a Walmart trip. My whole family hates Walmart, yet I haven't had a day without it. With an iced latte in hand, we set out for a day trip to Coeur d'Alene for the day. It was really busy since it was Hoopfest with a street full of vendors for food and crafts. After a brisket sandwich, we headed to a climb through a bluff to spend some time at Hidden Beach. It was beautiful and the water was fresh and cold like my beloved Lake Superior.

The beautiful beach

My brother and his gf walking on the trail leaving the beach.
Finally we stopped eating at restaurants and made dinner at home. Chaya made squash with peppers and baked talapia with garden rosemary and basil. My brother baked some sweet potato fries and I contributed with a green salad. It was fresh and delicious.

To end the evening, my brother had all his buddies over for some bonfire and beers-- a fulfilling evening.

Days 6-8 flew by pretty quick. They involved a breakfast a Molly's Mess (6 egg omelettes),

Molly's Mess: not sure why they have a puppy dog on their sign
rummage sale-ing, marketing, making dinner (pizza and wings, including nuclear flavored, hottt),

Making crust from my blog: Best. Crust. Ever.
and going home-- a very, very, very, very long trek by this point ( a total of 25 1/2 hours). I won't be in my car for quite some time.

Overall, a good trip.


Day 4

Day 4 was Grandma Day. We spent the whole day running around and hanging out with grandma for her last day here. We went to an all organic, local place-- Rocket Bakery  in downtown Spokane. I had a delicious turkey wrap with avocado and veggies with an organic Arnold Palmer. Of course, I forgot to take a picture. Afterwards, we went to Runner Soul where young, cute men work and fit you for running shoes. I invested in my first ever pair of Brooks.
Obviously girls because of the color, which I hate, but these are great shoes.
After shopping we drove around Spokane. We went to the lookout over the canyon, which was beautiful. It's not too far from downtown, but it is nestled in a cute, quaint neighborhood.

The trees go on forever.

Before heading to our final event, we went to a park that the city pays for and it was so gorgeous. There are about 8-10 gardens and we saw about 4 of them.

This is the main garden as you enter the park--very manicured, colorful, and beautiful.
Japanese graden (my favorite) with giant orange carp in the river

Rose garden
The other gardens involve different types of flowers: lilies, lilacs, etc.

My brother and his gf are training for a full marathon and I'm training for a half.  So to stay on schedule for my run, they took me to an event that happens every week in Spokane is the Flying Irish. This a running club that they belong to which meets each Thursday at the Red Lion Hotel. There is a theme each week for dressing up and I'd say about half do. This one was A Day at the Beach and I only saw a couple of bikinis. It was so neat to stand around with 300 people who are excited to run. The people ranged from kids to elder, drunks to sober, and goofy to serious. This run was 3 mi and I'm so happy my brother's gf ran with me. Between the heat, time of day, lack of schedule, change in elevation, dehydration, and  million other factors, this was the worst run of my life. My lips turned white and caked as if I was a fiending crack addict. Fun, but very happy it was over.

Our last event was dinner at The Rusty Moose. This place had a great, unique menu. I had a blackened burger with gorgonzola and avocado, but the menu had some healthy, unique options: sliders, ahi tuna, lobster ravioli, mac n cheese, etc. So yummy and of course, no pics. When will I remember?

To top off the night, we went to a country bar with music to watch my bro and his gf swing dance. It was fun and cute to watch. I had no intentions of dancing, mostly because I can't, but one of my brother's friends convinced my mom to, which was great and a good experience for her. That was it for the day and I was absolutely exhausted. Bedtime.


Day 3

Our 3rd day was very nice and relaxing. We slept in and hung around while my brother and his girlfriend both went to work. I read, went for a run with their dog, and of course, went to get some coffee. After picking up a few snacks, my mom took a nap while I tried and couldn't because of her chainsaw-Jim-Duggans-like snoring. Once my brother was done with work, we picked up our grandma from the airport who flew down from Seattle for a few days to have some time with us. She took us out for sushi at Sushi.com; it was delicious and authentic.

Awesome roll and spicy tuna roll...yum. My brother's super tuna roll is in the back. 
After dinner, we had some dessert with grandma: Bing cherries and Godiva (the best chocolate in America, according to grandma).

After dessert: bonfire and beers in my brother's backyard.