
Politically Correct Please

I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but as a nation we’ve become extremely cautious with avoiding hurting people’s feelings based on gender, race, ethnicity, disabilities (can I say that?), age, etc. Let’s face it--we’re a pc nation, especially in the teaching field. We’ve moved from retarded to mentally disabled to cognitively disabled to cognitively impaired. It’s hard to keep up. However, this isn’t the point of my rant. My point is...

... that we should all write out legislators, friends, colleagues, family, and anyone else who will listen about the most hurtful, cruel term that is still used today: 


crazy cat lady. Who am I to judge Sue Nobody who has 16 cats that she’s crazy? (Is it ok to still say crazy?) What happened to the more, the merrier? And just because it’s a cat... what about the crazy dog lady? the crazy fish lady? Why does it have to be a woman?

And I'm no crazy lady or cat lady. I'm a crazy Leonard girl. Leonard, my perfect, perfect feline turned 3 today. Now, I'm not sure if you know how important 3 is, but in the eyes of a Leonard Lover, it's quite important. Let me run you through our afternoon

After my run, it was shower time

And then, dinner. I argue this is the most important meal of the day
Birthday dessert: cheese
of course, birthday kisses
A little game (and new toy) of cat and mouse--look at Leonard's tongue
And finally, a birthday photo shoot. Since Leonard is my shining star, this is quite appropriate.